How Our Products Reach You?

  1. After we receive your paid order in XXXXXXXXXXX, your order will be processed and ship in 5 days.
  2. Estimate delivery time after shipped
    – West Malaysia: 1-3 business days
    – East Malaysia: 3-7 business days
  3. For more information, kindly call / whatsapp 012-415 3187.

Payment Methods

What kind of payment options does Advocart Marketing Sdn. Bhd. offers?

METHOD 1: xxxxxxxx (payment gateway name)
METHOD 2: Direct Bank-in / Instant Transfer

Cash or cheque payable to Advocart Marketing Sdn. Bhd.

Please find our bank account information below:
Bank: Maybank
Account name: Advocart Marketing Sdn. Bhd.
Account number: 562843559597

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